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Dawg Bulletin

The mission of Rossville Jr/Sr High School is to provide a quality, equitable education, allowing all students to maximize their potential in acquiring and developing the skills, knowledge, and attitudes to become productive, responsible citizens in our ever-changing, multicultural, global society.

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Dawg Bulletin: March 15, 2025

Vote for Teacher & Support Staff of the Year

Please follow the links below to nominate a teacher and a support staff member for their hard work and dedication to making a positive impact on our students and community!

Anyone can nominate a deserving staff member for these awards. We appreciate your nominations!

Teacher of the Year:  https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfWSlnN2aKUfg3gaWlqaGw_oTRhxKJ9qQtKmMT0vVOgbXjRVQ/viewform?usp=sharing

Support Staff of the Year:  https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScsccMhZeFeN_NcCCeo1asdDIxW3OC8mQ6va71lvOwBlzmZ5w/viewform?usp=sharing

Popular Resources:

Help Desk:

Questions concerning school policies and plans?

Please use the Help Desk to post your concern.



Kaw Valley USD 321

Rossville Jr/Sr High School
800 South Main St.
PO Box 68
Rossville, KS 66533

USD 321 Superintendent:
Kerry Lacock

David Wonnell

Assistant Principal & Athletic Director:
Curt Brecheisen

Administrative Assistants:
Blake Gosser
Karla Shafstall

Telephone Numbers:
Toll Free: 877.825.9490

Local: 785.584.6193 or 785.584.6378

Fax: 785.584.6379

Menu Changes:

Wednesday March 26th Crispito 

Friday March 28th French Bread Pizza

Breakfast & Lunch Menus

KV Schools Social Emotional Support

KV Schools Social Emotional Support

Stop Bullying

Apollo Redesign

Apollo Redesign